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    Vinyl composition tile is among the cheapest flooring systems to install, but quickly becomes the most expensive to maintain over its life. Waxing, burnishing, stripping and recoating all take the floor out of service, and cost a considerable amount in labor.

    Until now.

    Find out what uVCT™ can do for your business.

    Click here for more information.

    Wood Coatings

    SunFinish® coatings allow for furniture, fixtures and rugs to be replaced immediately after curing, where a traditional finish may take two weeks before a rug can be replaced. The finish quality is similar to what is used on prefinished flooring from a factory, a level of durability that was, until recently, impossible to achieve for refinishers without environmentally dangerous chemicals which could leave lingering odors for weeks at the job site.

    Click here for more information.


    SunFinish offers clear coat products for concrete flooring. Contact us for more information.